Further expansion at the Port of Vienna

Expansion in the Port of Vienna is one step ahead of the European Union strategy for the Danube Region


A great number of expansion measures along the river, which is passing through ten riparian states, shall be implemented in the future in the course of the European Union strategy for the Danube Region. However, the Port of Vienna is not wasting time waiting for measures, and is taking concrete steps for the presence as well as the coming ten years.

Stage one of the project "reclamation of land" is running until the end of the year 2012. Then 25,000m² land will be available, as Herbert Szirota, head of the Hafen Wien management explained at this year’s Waterways Day of the Austrian navigation and shipping association Österreichischer Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverein (ÖWSV). Following the stages two and three, the trimodal logistics hub will have around 75,000 m² additional land.

The second focus is the joint project between the port and the city of Vienna – the modification of the main road B14, which was previously running through the port area. Reconstruction shall be finished by the first quarter of 2012. The road will then be connected to the motorway A4 via the junction Simmeringer Haide.

Moreover the Viennese port Albern will be equipped with new flood protection. Further initiatives in the warehousing and container segment are in the pipeline, says Szirota.

Quelle: LogEastics
Plattform: www.logistik-express.com

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