German VGH court bans night flights at Frankfurt airport

Ban on night flights of the administrative supreme court of the state of Hesse would hurt air freight industry:

At Frankfurt airport no flights will be operated during night hours in the 2011/12 Winter flight schedule.

On 11 October, the 11th senate of the administrative supreme court of the state of Hesse (VGH) in Kassel has banned all night flights between the hours of 23 CET and 05 CET, until further notice. Up until now, 17 movements – starts or landings – were permitted at the international air hub, which had been a basis for the approval for expansion of the airport.

The VGH’s decision causes a significant financial damage of the cargo airlines at the Frankfurt airport. Within a few days winter schedules had to be completely changed; some flights are at risk of being completely cancelled.

Notwithstanding the judgement of the administrative supreme court of the state of Hesse, the German initiative “Die Fracht braucht die Nacht“ (cargo transport needs the night) is awaiting the decision of the federal administrative court Bundesverwaltungsgerichts in Leipzig. They expect a solution “that responds to the economic necessity of the industry“, a press release reads.

However, optimism reigns regarding the big economic importance of a connection of the central German airport to global goods flows. The federal administrative court will presumably decide upon the night flight ban in Frankfurt am Main at the start of the coming year.

Quelle: LogEastics

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