IATA presents alarming air traffic figures

Cargo business of international airlines has shrunk far greater than the world trade:

If the economy shows instability, air freight is loosing its significance. The traffic figures International Air Transport Association (IATA) presented at the start of this week confirm this rule of thumb. According to the overview, in October 2011 transport performance of IATA airlines in worldwide cargo business was 4.7 per cent below the same month in 2010.

“Cargo is the story of the month. Since mid-year the market has shrunk by almost 5 per cent and this is far greater than the 1%-fall in world trade. Air freight is among the first sectors to suffer when world business confidence declines,” said Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director General and CEO.

While business confidence has declined considerably in recent months, industrial output has remained stable according to IATA. In anticipation of future weaker economic activity, there is a shift to cheaper and slower modes of transport.

Quelle: LogEastics
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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