Impatex takes ECS and NCTS problems in its stride

Customers satisfied due to quick change


Impatex customers enjoyed a relatively trouble-free switch to the new ECS (Export Control System) regime introduced by HM Customs and Revenue on July 1st, despite some early communication issues between UK and European Customs that prevented declarations passing between them.


“All our customers were up and running in time,” says Impatex MD Peter Day, “and even those users who had not fully prepared for ECS were easily and quickly set up using our Download Manager facility. Some of the teething problems with ECS were nothing to do with the UK, but the interpretation of ECS by other EU Member States – and this is still causing some problems for UK users.”


Meanwhile, Impatex had to react quickly to disable its latest software upgrade, following a last-minute decision by HMRC to implement only part of its new release of NCTS, also due out on July 1st. Impatex had already issued its own full upgrade, containing a timer that would automatically turn on the full new NCTS features on July 1st. The company was forced to issue a further upgrade that catered only for the limited new release of NCTS.


Impatex used the advent of ECS as the opportunity to launch the first module of its new ICE (Integrated Customs for Europe) system alongside an upgrade to its existing Customs Manager system, which ICE will eventually replace. The company will add NCTS and ECS to ICE for selected customers later in 2009, and this is expected to lead a gradual migration to the new product; remaining imports features and  Duty Management will follow in 2010.

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