New company name for IMS headquarters in Vienna

Austrian company of the IMS group changes name to IMS Cargo Austria GmbH; contact persons and addresses remain unchanged

The Austrian company of the IMS group was renamed effective November 29. By changing the name to IMS Cargo Austria the enterprise takes another step to synchronise its market appearance. “In the course of internationalisation many new companies have been established throughout the market in Europe during the past years. Now we are standardising the names of the national companies“, says Wolfgang Tomassovich, managing director, about the motives to rename the company, which will have no effect on contact persons, addresses and UID number.

IMS was established in 1993 as a private container operator based in Vienna. The full service provider runs locations in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Spain and Portugal. Together with worldwide partners the company offers services related to intermodal transport. With about 100 employees the container operator handled 147,000 TEU last year, generating turnover of about EUR 47 million.

Quelle: LogEastics

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