New location of the Rachbauer company in Salzburg

Rachbauer company from Strasswalchen comes closer to its customers in the city of Salzburg:


Rachbauer GmbH & Co KG is to offer ist services in the segments truck and loading cranes, working platforms and lift truck rental, special and heavy transport, sheet pile logistics and pile driving now at two locations. To support the company headquarters in Strasswalchen they opened a location in Salzburg recently. The station in the capital city of the Land Salzburg is equipped “with a large space for lifting platforms and cranes“ according to the company management.

The headquarters in Strasswalchen are situated on a 33,000 m² area. There are the offices, the fleet, a garage and the logistics centre including a covered warehouse, an open warehouse and a sheet pile warehouse. The Rachbauer company has currently about 80 employees.

Quelle: LogEastics

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