New Trucking Technology Info-Graphic

Eyefortransport has just released a new info-graphic listing trucking technology solution providers and which areas each solution provider fits into the trucking industry.
In researching trucking technologies, EFT discovered a  consolidated hub of solution providers hard to come-by in a user-friendly format. In creating the info-graphic, EFT aimed at facilitating the understanding how all of the trucking technology solution providers fit into the industry.  
‚In researching trucking technology, we realised that there wasn’t one overarching place to see where all of the trucking solution providers fitted into their industry area.‘ said Haley Garner, Research Director at EFT.
Using this trucking technology ‚menu‘, those working in the industry can see in one place where over 100 solution providers are providing the latest technology solutions throughout the trucking industry. From big to small, new and old, see which solution providers are covering which technologies for which areas of the trucking industry.
The map is a work in progress – Do get in touch with us with any additional solution providers that we should include on the map. We will be releasing updated versions in the future.
The map was released in the leadup to the 10th truckIT Forum, December 13th and 14th in Miami.
A limited number of complimentary passes are available for the event for senior IT and Operations executives from major for-hire and private trucking fleets.

Quelle: eyefortransport


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