Panalpina strengthens cold chain to support healthcare sector

Swedish cool-chain logistics specialist Envirotainer has confirmed Panalpina’s accreditation of twenty additional stations as Qualified Envirotainer Providers (QEP), making the company one of the world’s biggest QEPs for active cooling solutions.

With the most recent accreditation of twenty locations – almost half of them in Asia – Panalpina now has a total of 43 Envirotainer accredited locations in 27 countries to meet the soaring demand for forwarding temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals.

Envirotainer launched its QEP program at the request of shippers of pharmaceutical products and in response to industry guidance.

The QEP program acknowledges service providers capable of properly managing shipments using Envirotainer containers. Providers must meet specific obligations as defined in the current Good Distribution Practices guidance documents, including the requirements of the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

Envirotainer and Panalpina have worked together for many years, and signed a global cooperation agreement in 2008. This close working relationship enables Panalpina to control cargo during the entire transport chain, offering healthcare customers an integrated seamless door-to-door cold chain in the air and on the ground.

Quelle: eyefortransport

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