
UK manufacturing bounces back in May but output still low, says CIPS

UK manufacturing continued to suffer under lockdown restrictions and global supply chain disruptions, but the rate of contraction eased compared to April. However, according to IHS/CIPS data for May, the sector remains at depths unseen outside of the current pandemic and the global financial crisis of 2008-09. In its monthly index of manufacturing purchasing, IHS/CIPS…


Clipper Logistics looks to future with “confidence” driven by e-commerce boom

Clipper Logistics saw its EBITA profit rise 19% year-on-year despite the impact of lockdown on the final five weeks of its financial year. In a statement to investors Clipper said that it had traded well throughout its financial year ending 30 April which would result in an EBITA of approximately £24 million. Executive chairman Steve…


Welthandel: Globale Wertschöpfungsketten haben eine gute Zukunft

Überreaktion des Handels auf das BIP. „Der internationale Handel geht in Krisenzeiten tendenziell stärker zurück als das BIP. Daher erwarten wir, dass die weltweite Rezession mit einem starken Rückgang des internationalen Handels zusammenfällt“, betont Declan Daly, Regional CEO der Coface für Zentral- und Osteuropa. Das Ausmaß dieser Überreaktion ist heute schwer zu messen. Die Welthandelsorganisation…


Primark looking for warehouse space for excess stock

Primark is believed to be looking for up to 400,000 sq ft of warehouse space on a short term basis to store excess stock owing to lockdown. At the start of the re-opening of stores the fashion retailer, which does not have an ecommerce channel, had £1.5 billion of stock on hand, and had also…

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Logistics Manager June 2020 – Supply Chain Special – Out Now!

The June issue of Logistics Manager – a supply chain special looking at fashion, visibility, digital technology and extended supply chains – is out now in print, online as well as for the iPad and Android. Cover Story: Extended Supply Chains Inertia is the enemy… Extended supply chains have huge benefits for businesses and for the consumer, but currently face pressure…


Royal Mail reveals lockdown delivery hotspots

Royal Mail has revealed its top delivery destinations in the UK during the coronavirus lockdown. Royal Mail has released figures showing the UK delivery hotspots, highlighting the importance of the mail system. In England, the top five locations for deliveries were Central London; North West London; Carlisle; Redhill; and Uxbridge, and Lerwick, Scotland topped the…


Milchwirtschaft braucht die Solidarität aller

Absatz im Handel gestiegen – Neue AMA-Kampagne setzt auf Partnerschaft. Der Absatz von Milch und Milchprodukten im österreichischen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel (LEH) konnte in den vergangenen Wochen zulegen. Mit der lückenlosen Versorgung hat die heimische Milchwirtschaft ihre Stärke bewiesen. Der Ausfall der Gastronomie und Gemeinschaftsverpflegung führte jedoch zu enormen Marktverwerfungen. Die Hoffnungen auf die Tourismussaison im heurigen…


Otto Group blickt auf erfolgreiches Geschäftsjahr zurück

Die Otto Group hat im zurückliegenden Geschäftsjahr 2019/20 ihre selbstgesteckten Ziele bei Umsatz und Ertrag übertroffen und damit eine gute Position geschaffen, um sich in dem aktuellen schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Umfeld erfolgreich zu behaupten. Für das laufende Geschäftsjahr sieht der internationale Handels- und Dienstleistungskonzern Chancen, weiter zu wachsen, senkt aber seine Ertragserwartungen. Die Otto Group hat ihren Umsatz im vergangenen…


100 jobs to go at Gregory Distribution as pandemic hits volumes

Gregory Distribution has blamed significant decreases in business due to coronavirus as the reason being its decision to cut 100 jobs from its 2,700 strong workforce. Angela Butler, managing director of Gregory Distribution said that during lockdown the majority of its business has remained busy, although she said that there were some areas which had…


James and James Fulfilment expand e-commerce warehouse footprint

E-commerce fulfilment provider James and James Fulfilment has signed a ten year lease on Liberty 196, a new Prologis facility on Northampton’s Brackmills Industrial Estate. Liberty 196 will become operational in late July once Prologis and James and James Fulfilment install safety measures which will include employee welfare facilities. Construction of a mezzanine level will…


Editor’s Blog: Logistics has been changed by Covid-19, and will never be the same again. That’s a good thing.

There is a school of thought that the major wave of post-war economic growth wasn’t just the euphoria of peace, it was driven by something we take for granted these days…. the widespread proliferation of infrastructure such as plumbing, electricity and refrigeration. But think back to how revolutionary such technology was… Think of the impact…


Warehouse demand rises on back of online shopping boom

With the latest ONS figures showing the highest online shopping figures on record in April 2020, there has been a subsequent increase in demand for warehouse space nationwide. Ed Cole, head of logistics, JLL, said: “April saw us move into a full month of lockdown and as we expected these numbers from ONS show us that…


M&S snaps up warehouse for food division

Marks & Spencer has snapped up Logicor’s MK360 warehouse in Milton Keynes to service its food division. In a statement yesterday the company said it would be looking to cut £500 million of costs, including £60 million in its clothing and home logistics functions, as it anticipates a 70% reduction in volume in some areas…


M&S targets logistics and supply chain savings as it preps for Ocado-driven e-commerce growth

Marks & Spencer has unveiled plans to cut £500 million of costs, including £60 million in its clothing and home logistics functions, as it anticipates a 70% reduction in volume in some areas of its business due to the impact of lockdown. Forecasting sales volumes for the remainder of the year M&S said that in…


Editor’s Blog: Light at the end of the tunnel… celebrating supply chain excellence

It seems like an age ago that the cream of the supply chain sector gathered at the London Hilton on Park Lane last November to celebrate a year of successes. Yet it was just six months ago. In that time the world has changed enormously. We all now understand what lockdown means; that logistics workers…


N Brown commits to supplier orders; changes warehouse practices

E-commerce retailer N Brown, the company behind brands such as Jacamo and Simply Be, has said it will continue to pay its product suppliers to terms despite the slump in sales during lockdown. In a statement to investors N Brown said that throughout the pandemic it would continue to pay product suppliers to contractual terms…

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Intermodalverkehr entlastet Blum in der Covid-19-Krise

Die Einschränkungen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie haben enorme Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft mit ihren global vernetzten Lieferketten. Insbesondere die Transportlogistik steht vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Beim 1. Online-Powerday des Vereins Netzwerk Logistik (VNL) in Vorarlberg gaben am 14. Mai Experten ihre Statements und Einschätzungen ab. Christina Marent lieferte als Leiterin der Außenwirtschaft WKO Vorarlberg Überblick und ein…


Improved forecasting and increased visibility required for retail to adapt in Covid-19 economy

Dramatic changes in consumer buying habits during the coronavirus pandemic will have substantial supply chain implications, a survey has found. According to software vendor Blue Yonder , which surveyed 6,000 European consumers in April and 1,000 U.S. consumers in both March and April, online grocery had been a major beneficiary of Covid-19 impacts on consumer…


Wincanton feels the pinch in April, cautious on volume returns

Turnover at Wincanton fell 15% year-on-year in April, with a 70% fall in its construction logistics division, as lockdown hit volumes at the 3PL. The 3PL had been forced to furlough 15% and temporarily cease operations  in its two-person home delivery network to meet safety guidelines – which has subsequently restarted following the recent change…


Tuffnells was drag on “profitability and cash” says Connect Group

A month after it sold irregular dimension and weight (IDW) specialist Tuffnells to investment vehicle Palm Bidco, Connect Group has described the self-proclaimed Big Green Parcel Machine as a “drag on profitability and cash”. As Connect Group revealed a 45% drop in turnover and 12.6% drop in pre-tax profit for the first half of its…

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Neue RollAMA-Marktdaten: Lebensmitteleinzelhandel legte im März kräftig zu

Gastronomie fehlt als wichtiger Abnehmer. Seit wenigen Tagen liegen die RollAMA-Marktdaten für das erste Quartal 2020 vor. 2.800 Haushalte zeichnen dafür ihre Einkäufe auf. Wie erwartet, legte der Lebensmitteleinzelhandel im März kräftig zu. Produkte mit langer Haltbarkeit haben von Corona besonders profitiert. Der Aktionsanteil geht zurück, der Bio-Anteil bleibt stabil. Für das Haushaltspanel der AMA…


PPE manufacturer and distributor snaps up Birmingham shed for new HQ

Manufacturer and wholesaler of Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment Beeswift has taken CBRE Global Investors 120,000 sq ft warehouse known as Hub 120, in Birmingham, West Midlands as it s new corporate headquarters and national distribution centre. The company has secured a 16-year lease on the property located at junction 6 of the M6 motorway….


British Property Federation responds to Prime Minister’s lockdown update

The British Property Federation has responded to the Prime Minister’s lockdown statement, calling for clarity surrounding back-to-work measures.Melanie Leech, Chief Executive, British Property Federation said: “We urgently need the Government to publish the detail in its back-to-work papers and what public health guidance will apply as more people return to their places of work and…


Ocado: shift to online grocery to accelerate post Covid-19

Ocado Group has said it expects the long term shift towards online grocery to accelerate post-crisis after a start to 2020 that saw it enable the delivery of over 40% more groceries in the UK than before the impact of Covid-19. In a trading update to investors Ocado group said that turnover in its retail…


Linde develops social distancing app

Linde Material Handling has introduced a “Truck Call” app to support social distancing protocols in the warehouse. The app features include remote communication with suppliers, reduction of direct contact between logistics staff, and offers digital call functions, and the option to repeat jobs based on a predefined favourite option. Hoyame Saber, business solutions director at…


Wie geht es den Wiener EPUs im Lockdown?

Handwerker, Lieferservice und alle Anbieter rund um Schönheit sind wieder gefragte Die Wiener Einzelunternehmen und kleinen Handwerksbetriebe können sich bereits wieder über eine erste Belebung der Wirtschaft freuen. Das zeigt die Analyse der Anfragen auf der Dienstleistungsplattform ProntoPro.at. ProntoPro analysiert laufend die konkreten Auswirkungen der Corona-Maßnahmen auf die Nachfrage in den einzelnen Dienstleistungssektoren in Wien…


Brexit customs squeeze still on horizon

BluJay Solutions has warned supply chains not to under-estimate the impact that Brexit will have on the flow of goods come 1 January 2021, when the UK’s transition period ends. With supply chains currently concerned with coming out of the current lockdown of economies worldwide as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic it could be…

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Lockdown-Folgen werden für die heimische Logistik-Branche immer schlimmer

Die globalen Einbrüche im Warenverkehr machen sich in der Logistik-Branche trotz Kurzarbeit in hohen Arbeitslosenzahlen und drohenden Insolvenzen bemerkbar. Die Wirtschaftsprognosen lassen nicht auf eine baldige Besserung hoffen. Angesichts dieser Situation mahnt der Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik (ZV) von der Politik systemsichernde Maßnahmen ein. Diese müssten flexible rechtliche Lösungen, finanzielle Unterstützungsprogramme und eine bessere internationale…


Sicherung des Warenverkehrs: Jetzt den Helfern helfen!

Logistik-Branche stark von Lockdown-Folgen betroffen – Unterstützungspaket zur Sicherung gefordert. Die globalen Einbrüche im Warenverkehr machen sich in der Logistik-Branche trotz Kurzarbeit in hohen Arbeitslosenzahlen und drohenden Insolvenzen bemerkbar. Auch die Wirtschaftsprognosen lassen nicht auf baldige Besserung hoffen. Angesichts dieser Situation mahnt der Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik von der Politik systemsichernde Maßnahmen ein. Diese müssten…


UK manufacturing slumps as supply chains see “substantial disruption”

UK manufacturing supply chains were victim of “substantial disruption” in April, with production, new orders and employment all contracted at the fastest rates in recorded history, while lead times lengthened to their highest in 28 years. According to the latest IHS Markit/CIPS Purchasing Managers’ Index the global pandemic also hit overseas demand for UK manufacturers,…

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