Tokheim appoints Norbert Dentressangle to manage its French supply chain

Norbert Dentressangle has been appointed to manage the French supply chain flows of Tokheim UK.

Tokheim UK is part of Tokheim Group, a global manufacturer and servicer of fuel dispensing equipment. With global sales totalling €590m, Tokheim offers customers a range of fuel dispensers and pumps, retail automation systems, payment terminals, media devices, replacement parts and upgrade kits.

For Tokheim UK, Norbert Dentressangle will transport finished product on a pre-scheduled basis from its UK manufacturing facility in Dundee, Scotland, to its plant in Grentheville, France. A vehicle then collects components from Tokheim’s supplier in St Vigor de Monts, before consolidating loads at Norbert Dentressangle’s hub in Ouistreham and crossing the channel for the return journey to Scotland.

Gordon Hume, Materials Manager for Tokheim UK said: "Norbert Dentressangle has provided us with a tailored solution that enables us to move finished product from our Dundee site quickly, and an onsite trailer to free up factory space. Load optimisation combined with the company’s capability to provide additional vehicle collections has cut our inbound costs and provides us with the flexibility to increase order volumes when required."

With headquarters in France, Tokheim also provides support services, which include service station construction and maintenance.

Quelle: eyefortransport


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