Traussnig Spedition establishes their own location in Eastern Austria

The Traussnig Spedition location in Groß-Enzersdorf near Vienna puts the focus on services in contract logistics

By establishing a subsidiary in the area around Vienna, Traussnig Spedition GmbH (Wolfsberg/Carinthia) consolidates their commitment in Eastern Austria. The branch office is a 4.000 m² high-rack warehouse in Groß-Enzersdorf. It operates under the name Traussnig Spedition Wien GmbH, whose team of eight with general manager Michael Röhrer, offers solutions in contract logistics.

The property in Groß-Enzersdorf was originally established and operated by Spedition Röhrer and after take-over by Rhenus Logistics it was managed by their Austrian subsidiary, which is now located in the Port of Freudenau. As additional location in the vicinity of the capital, the Traussnig-Group operates a temperature-controlled high-rack warehouse with 1.500 pallet storage positions in Wiener Neudorf.

Founded by Josef Traussnig in 1962 as a one-man business, Traussnig Spedition GmbH today has different locations in Hungary, Slovenia and Austria with more than 150 employees. Under the management of Gerhard Traussnig the company has turned from a typical forwarding agent to a forwarder and provider of comprehensive logistics concepts as well as modern logistics solutions. European network logistics and supply chain management, using all different carriers, are the core business today – complemented by specific industry solutions.

Quelle: LogEastics

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