University department for logistics intensifies internationalisation
Logistics department of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria deepens research partnerships with University of North Texas and Sydney Business School
The Logistics department of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Steyr enhance their international research partnerships. In a press release the research and educational institution for logistics and company networks announces plans to enhance cooperations with the University of North Texas in the USA and the Sydney Business School in Australia.
Dr. Markus Gerschberger, Profesor for research at the logistics department has recently received an International Development Fund Grant of the University of North Texas – ranked among the world’s top 5 institutions for logistics & supply chain management. This grant will support the expansion of the international partnerships and boost the exchange of particularly qualified researchers. Markus Gerschberger has completed several weeks of research in Texas.
A further research project with the Sydney Business School is to start before the end of 2013. This project is all about QSAM – Quick Scan Audit Methodology. This analysis method was also elaborated by Sydney Business School, allowing companies to identify control levers of their value added chain in a structured and low-effort way.
Through intensifying the research partnerships Professor (FH) DI Franz Staberhofer, Head of the logistics department, wants to boost internationality of his staff. “In addition to reinforcing the institution as a national competence centre we also focus on the positioning as reputable research partner on an international scale“, he explains his credo.
The logistics department Logistikum in Steyr is the research and education institution of the University of Applied Science in Upper Austria for logistics and company networks. It was established in 2006 and has currently 300 students, 30 scientific staff members, 11 professors and about 60 lecturers.
Quelle: LogEastics