DP World reinforces Austrian RFID technology

Identec Solutions accompanies DP World to Australia

Dubai Ports World (DP World) decided for the second time to cooperate with Identec Solutions (Lustenau). As the Vorarlberg-based high tech company announced on the occasion of the TOC Europe Conference in Bremen, the internationally acting port operator will use active RFID technology for automatic truck identification including access control in Dubai but also at its Australian container terminals.

The solution was developed by Identec Solutions and the Sydney-based system integrator Ramp. “In a first step the system was installed in Port Botany, the second-largest container port of the country“, reports Gerhard Schedler, CEO of Identec Solutions. Until the end of this year the ports in Brisbane and Freemantle will follow. A similar solution is already used to control truck access of DP World at the port of Jebel Ali, Dubai. Moreover, the Port Authority of the U.S.-state of Georgia in Savannah also relies on the technology from Austria.

Since 1999 Identec Solutions pushes the development of active RFID systems. Today it is the global market leader in this field of contact-free identification. Being a technology supplier, the enterprise develops together with partners innovative solutions for various industries. They make processes more effective and are used in the construction industry, health care and semi-conductor industry. As for solutions the company focusses on the automotive industry and oil, gas and & mining. The technology enterprise headquartered in Lustenau (Austria) operates two more locations in Europe and further sites in America, Asia and Australia.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung

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