World market for heavy haulage trucks to grow significantly to 2020

New study of McKinsey & Company about worldwide market for trucks with more than 6 tonnes of pay load
According to the prognosis of McKinsey & Company the world market for heavy trucks is to grow from currently about EUR 125 billion to more than EUR 190 billion in turnover per year until 2020. A study of the international management consulting about the market of trucks offering more than 6 tonnes of payload says the increase of the total profit (Profit Pools) of EUR 7.2 billion to an estimated EUR 10.5 billion (inflation-adjusted) means production of trucks remains attractive. 
„To ensure the greatest possible share of the positive market development truck manufacturers have to maintain their position in the highly competitive western markets through fuel-efficient vehicles and enhanced model types. At the same time manufacturers have to ensure their growth opportunities in emerging markets through specific regional truck types and implement global modular strategies“, the study reads.
In spite of continuous market volatility the global truck industry profits from a structural economic and market growth on the long term. Established markets in Europe and the US remain highly relevant for the manufacturers: „However Europe in particular will register short term losses in turnover, but Europe and the US together generate 60 per cent of the global profits in this industry at EUR 4 billion and EUR 2.5 billion, respectively", says Bernd Heid, partner of McKinsey and head of the study. In the emerging markets India and China demand grows particularly strong for technologically and qualitatively sophisticated trucks. The result is a middle market segment with strong growth potential, which attracts also western truck manufacturers.

Quelle: LogEastics


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