2012: losses in transport volume for Austria’s transporters

3.1 per cent less transport volume for Austrian companies active in national and international road freight transport
After a short recovery phase in 2011 road freight transport carried out by Austrian companies showed almost exclusively losses in 2012. As reports Statistics Austria, 333.9 million tonnes of goods were transported by 25.4 million laden journeys (2011: 26.1 million). The transport volume decreased by 3.1 per cent compared to the preceding year (2011: 344.7 million tonnes).
The transport performance, achieved on Austrian and foreign territory, decreased by 8.6 per cent to a total of 26.1 billion tonne-kilometres in the reporting year (2011: 28.5 billion tkm). Domestic transport performance amounted to 16.1 billion tonne kilometres (-5 % on 2011);  transport performance outside Austria amounted to 9.9 billion tonne kilometres (-13.8% on 2011). Thus domestic transport accounted for 61.9% (2011: 59.6%) of the total transport performance.
The volume of goods transported in national traffic declined 2.5 per cent to 305.3 million tonnes, and by 11.1 per cent in transborder goods receipt and dispatch to 11.3 million tonnes and by 11.2% to 11.8 million tonnes, respectively, and by 13.1 per cent in transit traffic to 1.6 million tonnes. What remained almost stable compared with the previous year was the share of cargo carrying trade at 56.6 per cent and the share of plant transport at 43.4% (2011: 56.7% to 43.3%) of total transport volume.

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