Association of transport experts (VdT) promotes apprenticeship

Austrian association of transport experts honours graduates of the apprenticeships for the professions forwarding manager and forwarding logistician

In a festivity on 12 May 2011 the VdT association of transport experts honoured the graduates of the apprenticeships for the professions forwarding manager and forwarding logistician at the vocational school Längenfeldgasse in Vienna. During the apprenticeship the attendees are trained on a broad basis: In the vocational school, in a three years training at a forwarding enterprise, as well as in complementary trainings of VdT. In a ceremonial act at the vocational school at Längenfeldgasse, the head of the VdT, the trainers of the compenis as well as Director Erich Macho, Mag. Dr. Eva Tepperberg from the Stadtschulrat (school council) and the specialist subject teachers were happy to hand over the certificates to the young forwarding managers and logisticians.

VdT’s president Franz Hofbauer emphasised the dual training in tight cooperation with motivated teachers and committed enterprises was a core element of professional basic knowledge of the young. “The association of transport experts supports this training with additional offerings for practically oriented exchange of knowledge with experts“, he said.

The „Verein der Transportfachleute“ is Austria’s association of transport, logistics aund tariff experts, VdT in short. Their target is also to promote the interests of Austria’s transport industry, lobbying in various boards, promote cooperation, create a necessary cooperation culture on a partnership basis, as well as practically oriented training and support of the young, for the best of Austria’s traffic industry.

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