Cargo throughput is back on track at Port of Rotterdam

Port of Rotterdam registers increases with many types of goods again

In the first half of 2010, 213 million tons of cargo were handled at Port of Rotterdam, 14.8 per cent up on the same period of 2009. Exportations rose 15 per cent to 62 million tons, importations by 14.7 per cent to 150 million tons. The handling of bulk cargo increased by 14.3 per cent to 146 million tons. General cargo was 15.7 per cent up, at 66 million tons. The agribulk and coal segment registered both declines in throughput by 20 and 1 per cent, respectively.

All other types of cargo achieved increases: ores and scrap (up 150 per cent), other dry bulk (up 36 per cent), crude oil (up 3 per cent), mineral oil product (up 8 per cent), other liquid bulk (up 7 per cent), roll on/roll off (up 2 per cent), other general cargo (up 21 per cent) and containers (up 18 per cent). In total container throughput rose by 18 per cent to 5.4 million TEU, compared on 2009.

Growth sectors of the past six months were containers and iron ore, and also mineral oil products in the first quarter, as Hans Smits announces in a press release. “Rotterdam is benefiting greatly from the upturn in world trade, especially regarding China and Germany", the CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority adds.

Quelle: LogEastics

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