Chamber of Labour pillories Stadler group

Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour calls for consequences “against the long infringements of the Stadler group“
„That’s enough! – We urge for consequences! The trade authority and the Economic Chamber have to take action now." These were the words of Dr. 
Johann Kalliauer, President of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour, used on a press conference in Linz to initiate steps in response to „the long infringements” of the Stadler group based in Peuerbach and Bruck/Waasen. The presumption of innocence applies.
According to the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour the list of Stadler’s most frequent infringements is long, ranging from unjustified deductions from wages (e.g. because of damages on trucks or downtimes) and detention of overtime payment, remuneration below the level of collective agreements (prohibited flat-rate for trips), unjustified dismissal of long-employed staff to non- or false registration for social insurance and non-payment of compensations. “There is hardly any area of labour law, which the Stadler group has not violated“, says Johann Kalliauer.
In the past ten years the legal experts of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour had to represent employees of the Stadler group in about 200 cases, and had to sue in more than 100 cases. In total the success of judicial and extra judicial proceedings equalled a figure of more than EUR 800,000.

Quelle: LogEastics


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