Cost reduction for large container vessels in Hamburg

Port of Hamburg grants discounts and rebates on port fees for ultra large container ships (ULCS)
The State Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) and the port industry decided to significantly reduce the port calling costs for large-sized ships. The aim is to strengthen the competitiveness of the port of Hamburg in view of the decision on the channel adjustment on the River Elbe rendered by the federal administrative court in Leipzig. The delay of the channel deepening is particularly affecting container ships of the latest generation with a capacity of over 10,000 TEU, as they cannot call at or leave the port of Hamburg fully laden.
Moreover in 2013 the Hamburg Port Authority and port service providers will offer international shipping several discounts on port fees. “With this package of measures that will further reduce the costs of shipping companies the port of Hamburg is setting an important signal in international competition”, says Gunther Bonz, President of the Association of Hamburg Port Operators (Hafen Hamburg e.V.). In 2011 almost 300 Ultra Large Container Ships (ULCS) called the port of Hamburg.

Quelle: LogEastics


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