DB Schenker: Two new TAPA-certified terminals in Southeastern Europe

TAPA FSR Level A-certificate confirms state-of-the technical security equipment at DB Schenker terminals in Southeastern Europe


DB Schenker’s terminals in Salzburg and Sofia completed the A-Level TAPA FSR certification (Transported Asset Protection Association) at an external audit in December 2010. The examination boards confirmed security equipment at the highest technical level for both terminals. In Salzburg the cross-docking section as well as the Logistics Service Centre correspond to the highest requirements of the TAPA organisation. The audit also highlighted the high security awareness of the employees in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia, as well as the excellent implementation of the technical requirements in practice.

In the Southeast Europe-region, DB Schenker has doubled the number of TAPA-certified terminals within one year and now maintains the densest security network with TAPA sites in Vienna, Linz (A), Bratislava (SK), Budapest (HU), Avlona (GR), Orhanlì (TR), Ljubljana (SI), Zagreb (HR), Strancice and Modletice (CZ), Salzburg (A) and Sofia (BG). DB Schenker has over 40 certified branch offices at TAPA level A across Europe.

Quelle: LogEastics
Plattform: www.logistik-express.com

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