
Digital Catapult Connected Factory Demonstrator with UK manufacturers

Digital Catapult, Dyer Engineering and Special Metals Wiggin have set up a Connected Factory Demonstrator which to explore how future networks technologies can drive improvements throughout the product lifecycle.

The impact of advanced digital technologies cannot be underestimated,” said Digital Catapult CEO, Jeremy Silver. “This project will show how, by utilising technology to help innovation flourish, businesses can expect to see numerous practical benefits, from improved processes to better quality control.”

Dyer Engineering operations manager Richard Larder said: “We are incredibly excited to be at the forefront of the 4th Industrial Revolution in the UK, which will unlock improved standards of living and workplace life. Adopting industrial digital technology is of paramount importance to safeguard UK manufacturing for generations to come. We have benefited from the technological pioneers before us and now feel it is our time to pick up the mantle and take on the challenges and risks of significant change”

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