Ennshafen striving to increase water-to-land throughput volume

After declining cargo transhipment in 2012: Ennshafen plans to establish high-volume shippers in the western port basin
For the year 2013 the management of EHG Ennshafen GmbH has defined the objective to increase water-to-land troughtput volume and capacity utilisation of the quay facilities. “Establishing additional high-volume shippers in the western port basin at the recently expanded quay 21 shall attract additional transhipment volume to the waterway, and strengthen Ennshafen as an industrial location“, reads the “Hafenjournal” of the EHG Ennshafen GmbH.
In 2012 water-to-land throughput as well as container throughput were about 10 per cent lower than in the past, stronger year. About 250,000 TEU passed the container terminal. Water-to-land throughput amounts to about 550,000 tonnes. The management of the Ennshafen port sees the low water levels and the aggravated economic situation as the reasons for the decline.

Quelle: LogEastics
Portal: www.logistik-express.com 


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