GM appoints Gefco ‚4PL‘ in Europe and Russia
Logistics contract with General Motors expected to boost revenues of the Gefco Group by 20 per cent
The logistics agreement General Motors (GM) and Gefco announced at the beginning of July 2012 was signed recently. On the occasion of a press breakfast in Paris Luc Nadal, General Manager of the Gefco Group, officially announced the signing of the contract. The agreement with the US carmaker General Motors counts among the biggest logistics contracts in the history of the transport and logistics provider.
The contract covers seven years and will come into effect at the start of 2013. The logistics group based in Paris, becomes a 4PL player (fourth party logistics) and organises the global distribution of new cars made in Europe (including Russia) of the following brands: Opel, Vauxhall and Chevrolet. Gefco will also be handling importations for Chevrolet in particular. The contract provides for the externalisation of inbound and outbound logistics. Gefco will be globally distributing around 1.2 million vehicles a year. The contracts with the GM’s 3PL partners will remain uchanged.
The main target is to reduce transport costs through creating more efficien logistics processes, as Luc Nadal explains in the interview with the Austrian transport magazine Österreichische Verkehrszeitung. Luc Nadal expects the GM-order to increase revenues (EUR 3.8 billion in 2011) by about 20 per cent.
Quelle: LogEastics