Innofreight supports Knauf with exportations from Slovenia

First transports with Innofreight XL containers from Slovenia to Weißkirchen (Austria) for Knauf

The Innofreight Group based in Bruck an der Mur announced the start of a new transport connection for Knauf, a producer of building materials. Sine the start of January they organise the transport Rea gypsum from Slovenia to Weißkirchen, Styria. The Innofreight XL container system is the backbone of the raw materials supply for the production of various gypsum products. The transports are carried out in cooperation with Rail Cargo Austria.

“This year, extensive infrastructure investments for the expansion of rail facilities are planned at Knauf to increase the amount of freight by rail“, the Innofreight Group’s press release reads. Furthermore the application of this container technology at other Knauf sites is under discussion.

Quelle: LogEastics

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