Joint venture between Norbert Dentressangle Romania and Danone

NDL Frigo Logistics reaches out for peak position in Romania in the market segment of fresh logistics:

Services in the segments warehousing logistics, transport and distribution of fresh goods in a temperature range between 2 and 6 degree Celsius are the core activities of the newly formed joint enterprise of Danone PDPA Romania and Norbert Dentressangle Romania. Headed by Jean-Claude Bernaben the joint venture NDL Frigo Logistics is aimed to occupy the position of the market leader in the segment of fresh logistics in the Southeast European country on the long term.

The required basic equipment are the brands Activia, Danonio, Actimel. Nutriday, Cremosso, Danette and Casa Buna of Danone PDPA Romania. During the initial stage NDL Frigo Logistics will serve about 20,000 points of sales. Their customers are from the national/international food industry, retail and catering business.

Quelle: LogEastics

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