Logwin assumes responsibility for S&T Austria’s warehousing

IT service provider S&T Austria has entrusted Logwin with providing warehousing for its new equipment and spare parts business.

The logistics specialist has set up a separate 650 sq m area within its Vienna warehouse for S&T’s high-value goods. The IT company has closed down its own warehouse, with some of the employees being taken on by Logwin as part of the outsourcing project.

New computers, monitors and keyboards arrive at and leave the warehouse on a daily basis. Logwin accepts incoming goods, checks their number and packaging and sorts them into storage racks. An average of around 7,000 to 8,000 articles is held in stock. Picking is also part of the warehouse management task, with Logwin putting together exactly those products that each S&T customer requires.

Quelle: eyefortransport
Portal: www.logistik-express.com

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