MSC improves service offer from and to Mexico

Considerably reduced transit time from Europe with the Mediterranean Shipping Company’s “Mexico Express Service“

The headquarters of the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) in Genf is making the last preparations to open a new liner service between Europe and Mexico. The “Mexico Express Service“ is to start its maiden journey at the end of June. The service is an addition to the existing “Mexico/Gulf Service“. It offers considerably better transit times between Europe and the Mexican East Coast. According to the shipping company around 10 days of transport time can be saved.

MSC operates the new Mexico service with five vessels providing a capacity of each around 2,000 TEU. The port rotation will be the following: Vera Cruz, Altamira, Houston, Antwerp, Bremerhaven and Vera Cruz. The marketing of the capacities in Austria lies in the hands of the Vienna-based Mediterranean Shipping Company (Austria) GmbH, managed by Franz Kastner.

Quelle: LogEastics

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