New customs seminars with KGH Customs Academy in the year 2012
Seminars with the customs expert KGH give a detailed overview on potential errors and savings in customs matters:
KGH Customs Academy starts into the year 2012 offering new seminars. A highlight of the program is the five-days basic training course “junior customs agent” from 30 January to 3 February 2012 in Frankfurt am Main. More dates are in the pipeline. According to the organiser the course gives a comprehensive overview on the wide range of customs-relevant topics, highlighted with examples from practice. After the seminar participants will be able to take advantage of the full potential of the customs law to the benefit of their own logistic requirements, and elaborate on targeted topics.
In addition single day seminars impart specific customs knowledge to different target groups, ranging from customs agents to management level. What is brand new in the program is the seminar on news from customs and foreign trade law on 25 January in Hamburg. On 26 January another seminar on customs for export beginners will take place in Hamburg. More topics are law on the origin of goods and preferential law (6 March and 3 April in Hamburg), tariffing (basics seminar 26 June and advanced course 11 July in Hamburg) as well as news with AEO (10 July in Hamburg). Details about the events can be found online Moreover KGH Customs Academy supports enterprises with inhouse customs trainings on demand.
„Customs law is quite complex. Thus many errors are made with customs clearance due to lack of knowledge, which can be expensive for companies", explains Carsten Schmid, Director Sales & Marketing KGH Customs Services Region Germany D-A-CH. “As an independent and neutral customs expert it is our aim to inform more detailed about potential errors and savings." KGH Customs Academy was established in September 2011, as a company of KGH Customs Services with German headquarters in Hamburg.
KGH Customs Services is Europe’s biggest independent specialist for customs services. The enterprise has more than 45 years of customs experience and more than 470 employees in 30 locations in seven countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Austria). They offer customs services in the following segments: Customs Declaration, VAT Management, Customs Consulting, Customs Academy, Border Services and Customs Software. With services for more than 12,000 customers from different industries they generated a turnover of EUR 46 million in 2010.
Quelle: LogEastics