New economic index illuminates business climate in Southeastern Europe
Study compares economic climate, export activities and payment behaviour in Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia
A current study conducted by Kreditversicherung Prisma credit insurance and GfK Austria illuminates the business climate of Austria’s south-eastern neighbour countries. This recently developed Southeastern-Europe index will be conducted annually as of now, to draw a picture of the mood of local companies.
“Southeastern Europe has been a traditionally important region for Austria. We work on this market in Vienna not only for ourselves but for the entire Euler Hermes Group. The insured amount of EUR 2.9 billion results from over 26,000 insurance limits, representing 9,500 companies”, says Ludwig Mertes, brand CEO Prisma.
Currently the four countries show an ambivalent picture of the business climate, seen from the point of view of the polled 600 companies.
“Serbia will surprise you with optimism and positive assessment of the future. Despite objectively poor fundamentals optimism prevails in this country,” says Ludwig Mertes. “It is also striking that in Croatia and Slovenia, the large companies are the drivers of the good climate. The small and medium enterprises assess the situation rather as moderate. ”
The South-East Europe Index involves evaluations of the overall economic situation, of import-export activities, payment behaviour and investment activities. On a scale of 0 – 100 points information on the respective economic climate in the country is provided. The higher the value – the more positive economic environment.
The study presented for the first time was carried out in December 2014. Per country 150 companies of all sizes were polled.