New Multinaut Donaulogistik location in Regensburg

Sequel to Imperial Shipping Group (Duisburg) expansion course in the Danube region:

The Imperial Shipping Group with headquarters in Duisburg ups their commitment in the Danube region. After the merger of the Main-Danube activities under the heading of Multinaut Donaulogistik GmbH another operating facility was opened in Regensburg on 1 November. The new office is the fourth Multinaut business location besides the main office in Vienna as well as the branches in Duisburg and Würzburg. The Imperial Shipping Group argues for the expansion of its business activities in the Lower Danube region on the basis of additional demand for shipping space. The company allows for the increased demand by putting additional ships into operation which are only used for shipping traffic on the Danube.

Handling the long haul routes on the Lower Danube to the Rhine area or destinations on the Northern Sea depends on cargo-specific factors, also with regard to split transports. With this measure customers now have an even larger service portfolio at their disposal, it says in a company statement.

Multinaut Donaulogistik services all areas in the logistics chain, from a mere carrier function with leased ships and contracted vessels up to providing solutions for complex tasks in contract logsitics. According to the company, the locations in Vienna, Würzburg, Duisburg and Regensburg meet all the requirements for a modern and strategically significant hub for intermodal traffic. With a fleet of 38 ships, Multinaut transports about 1,4 million tons of dry bulk cargo and general cargo and with 12 employees they generate a turnover of more than 25 million Euros in 2011.

Quelle: LogEastics

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