New rail cars for Metrans cargo transport in the hinterland

Metrans to add 600 brand-new container rail cars to their fleet next year, for transport across North Sea ports and continental loads

The AAE Group, a freight rail car leasing company, is investing in 300 innovative 80-foot container waggons of a new type. The hirer of the waggons, which are lighter and less expensive than conventional goods waggons, but can transport more containers per train, is railway line operator Metrans a.s., a subsidiary of the port of Hamburg and Logistik AG (HHLA).

Using the new waggons, the company wants to set up additional trains running primarily to and from the North Sea ports, but also transporting continental freight. The freight cars, which Metrans has developed together with the manufacturer Tatravagonka Poprad, can be used for maritime containers as well as for continental intermodal units. Apart from the co-operation with AAE Metrans will order 300 additional units directly from Tatravagonka.

Quelle: LogEastics

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