New service of Fida & Schüch Transport

Fida & Schüch Transport now delivers also to home care patients of the Tappe company

As of now Fida & Schüch Transport GmbH attends to a new range of tasks on behalf of its regular customer Tappe GmbH from Salzburg. In addition to delivery to the branches the enterprise organises now also delivery of rehab and medical products to home care patients. Preliminary to the entry into the new market segment the staff of the transport and logistics service provider had an intensive training. After a successful start of the first stage the logistics cooperation of the two companies will be expanded to delivery of medical devices to home care patients. Tappe produces and distributes rehab and medical products.

The core competence of Fida & Schüch lies in branch solutions for dangerous goods logistics. Established in 1988 the enterprise is headquartered in Vienna and operates a location in Salzburg, and presents itself as a service provider for medical suppliers. With more than 50 vehicles they transport technical, medical and gastronomic gases. The area covering network comprises the locations in Vienna and Salzburg as well as regional stations in Innsbruck, Graz and Klagenfurt.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung 

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