Port of Antwerp implements second lock to left bank of the Scheldt

Second lock at Waasland port improves conditions for ocean shipping at Port of Antwerp with effect from 2016

At the Belgian Port of Antwerp preparations to set up a second lock at Waalhaven started last week. The implementation of the infrastructure will be started just after summer holidays 2011. The opening of the lock is scheduled for 2016. The aim of the major project is to improve accessibility of quay and docking facilities at the left bank of the Scheldt-river for ocean shipping.

The new lock will be built using around 20,000 tons of special steels. The dimension of the facility will be 500 metres for length, and 68 metres for width. The construction project is to be implemented on behalf of SVP Special Purpose Vehicle. This company is a subsidiary of NV Vlaamse Haven, which is mainly held by the Antwerp Port Authority.

Quelle: LogEastics
Plattform: www.logistik-express.com

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