Private rail company CargoServ becomes autonomous enterprise

Cargo Service GmbH (CargoServ) wants to expand its position in the third market by offering full range concepts for rail cargo transport

The Cargo Service GmbH (CargoServ) was upgraded. Since 1 April 2012 the company acts as a fully equipped, autonomous rail transport company of the steel division of the public listed voestalpine group. Having its own employees, vehicles and the required transport permissions the private rail company provides full range concepts for cargo transport on the rail from rail sidings and on the public rail network to the destinations.

“The entire organisational unit of LogServ that is occupied with rail transport on the routes, including the route locomotives, will be integrated into the new company“, explains Christian Janecek, CEO LogServ and CargoServ. Markus Schinko is in charge of the operating business of CargoServ. He was appointed the second CEO. The primary strategic aim of the private cargo railway company is to save costs for voestalpine Stahl in Linz. In parallel they want to expand the presence on the third market.

On the day of its foundation, 1 April 2001, LogServ carried out the first private cargo transport on the public rail network under the brand name CargoServ – it was a train transporting lime from Steyrling to voestalpine Stahl in Linz. The continuous expansion of services in the railway segment increased the cargo volume that was transported on the railway by their own direction from 700,000 tonnes of raw material and finished products in the first financial year to about 4 million tonnes last year.

Quelle: LogEastics


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