SDV is “Investing In The Future” by Building Its First Green Warehouse
SDV, a global supply chain leader, is about to complete an impressive project in the western part of Singapore, by constructing a four-storey ramp-up warehouse including nine floors of production and office space. The “green” warehouse that is in compliance with the highest environmental standards is being built with a date for completion by 1st August 2012. The total investment is 55 Million SGD.
“The purpose of this 42,000 sqm investment was twofold: First to consolidate and support our customers’ growth in the years to come, and second to build and operate this facility in a way that would meet both our and the clients’ values in terms of Sustainable Development” Says Yves Laforgue, Managing Director of SDV in Singapore.
In this respect, this project is fully in line with the ‘SAVE PROGRAM’, SDV’s environmental customer solution, in which one of our key aims is to design eco-solutions to reduce CO₂ emissions.
This innovative warehouse is targeting the highest “green” certifications. In March 2012, this warehouse became the first one to be Green Mark Platinum*certified in Singapore. It will also be the largest logistics center in Asia to obtain the LEED Gold** certification. Hence, the site follows stringent specifications and construction practices. It is in conformity with a scope of materials and equipment that are eco-friendly – either in the products used for their construction, or in energy savings generated.
Among, the very detailed scope of requirements, 6 keys areas are highlighted below:
– Building orientation & Design to help on thermal insulation of the building
In addition, the building envelope will be constituted by low thermal transmittance materials such as roof panels, double-glazing or composite cladding.
– Energy efficiency by combining innovative lighting technologies and efficient air-conditioning plant system.
– Water efficiency to rationalize water consumption of the building.
As example, rainwater will be collected and then distributed for plant irrigation and toilet flushing.
– Sustainable Site and Waste reduction with recycling of packing materials in the warehouse
Regarding transportation aspects, recharge stations for electric vehicles will be provided at the parking lots area to anticipate future needs of SDV.
– Working environment
Thus, SDV will provide to its staff and customers a comfortable & healthy place for working by promoting natural lights, greeneries all around the site and controlling the quality of inside air.
– The Building Management System or BMS
This environmental common project will rely on a performing BMS for controlling, monitoring and optimizing energy usage and green features of the building.
Over the past 20 years SDV Singapore has strengthened its positions in value added logistics for its customers. The most prestigious brands in luxury, perfumes & cosmetics or garments for the retail industry, but also the aerospace, healthcare and industrial customers have ensured a sustainable growth in Asia Pacific thanks also to the support of SDV.
“Innovation” by SDV is driven by imagination, competitiveness and pro-activeness in designing sustainable solutions. SDV has made CO₂ reduction the new driver of logistics performance and this innovative and energy efficient warehouse is an integral part of fulfilling this ambitious challenge.
Quelle: eyefortransport