Vienna Airport plans 14 hectares logistics park

New area close to Fischamend to boost air freight business at the Vienna International Airport
Launching a major project, Günther Ofner and Julian Jäger, the director duo in charge of the Vienna Airport in Schwechat since two years ago, aim to add impetus to the air freight business. A 14 hectares area close to Fischamend shall be developed as a logistics park including storage areas, forwarders and cargo centres. The park will be operated as a joint venture or sold eventually. Demand was brisk as “bees around a flower“, said Julian Jäger to the paper “NÖ Wirtschaftspressedienst”.
Development of the Airport City including service providers, offices and conference operations is also being pushed. A new hotel will allow reaching the clearance zone “without getting their feet wet” from 2016/17.
As to air traffic, a “segmentation“ of the industry is becoming visible throughout Europe, said Günther Ofner and Julian Jäger in unison. Major transfer areas register increases – the number of passengers in Vienna rose from 9.5 to 22.5 million persons since 2000. Regional airports in turn, which have been expanded with big efforts in the past years, are struggling. Some regional airports ins Spain have been mothballed meanwhile.

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