Vienna’s port gate opens the first time

Flood protection at the Viennese port Freudenau is ready for use


On 16 June the new flood protection gate of the Viennese port Freudenau opens for the first time. The ceremony in the presence of numerous prominent guests marks also the end of the construction works at the giant port gate, taking almost one year. The 26.5 metres long and 13.5 metres high steel-construction weighing 200 tons in total, is made to ensure smooth operation in the trade and logistics centre also with difficult weather conditions.

The port gate, budgeted with EUR 24 million, grants flood protection for the port of Freudenau with immediate effect. Even before a potential high water can reach Vienna, the gate can be closed and thus prevent damage in the harbour basin. Just like Freudenau port, also the Viennese port of Albern will be protected against high water. “The port of Albern will meet this requirement from the year 2014 at latest“, Rudolf Mutz, Managing Director of the Wiener Hafen, discloses.

Quelle: LogEastics

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