Axel Springer Verlag extends its cooperation with Logwin

Logwin Solutions continues to be responsible for national and international distribution of the publications produced by Axel Springer in Germany


Die Logwin AG announces the renewal of its partnership with a major customer. Axel Springer Verlag AG has extended its cooperation with the worldwide active logistics service provider by five years. “We will therefore continue to be responsible for distributing the publications produced in Germany both nationally and internationally”, explains Wolfgang Rodig, Managing Director Transport and Retail Networks at the Logwin business unit Solutions. Logwin has been a logistics partner of Axel Springer Verlag since 2003.

A total of 20 Logwin locations throughout Germany will be handling the distribution of Bild, Welt, HörZu and other Axel Springer AG print media. The logistics processes follow a strict time schedule: Vans and trucks collect the newspapers and magazines from printing plants throughout Germany, and transport them to central transshipment centres that Logwin operates near to major highway intersections. This is where staff sort newspapers and magazines according to destination and consignee. Shortly after that the delivery vehicles set off for regional newspapers – the delivery agents of the local press also supply subscribers to Axel Springer’s national media – press wholesalers as well as station and airport book stores.

Part of the print products are intended for export and are transported by road or air freight to international cities and tourist centres around the world. The logistics service specialist also provides interim storage and distribution for subsequent delivery for magazines and periodicals.

Quelle: LogEastics

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