DB Schenker (Vienna): Cautious optimism for 2011

Modern infrastructure shall be of DB Schenker’s benefit in 2011 in Austria and Southeastern Europe 


In spite of many questions around the economic framework conditions, the management board of Schenker & Co AG (Vienna) is looking with cautious optimism to the year 2011. “With our existing infrastructure we see ourselves able to be successful“, Mag. Elmar Wieland, CEO Schenker & Co AG Austria and Southeastern Europe, says at a press meeting in Innsbruck.

DB Schenker has fully implemented all planned investments for the current year in Austria and Southeastern Europe. In addition to expanding the logistics facility in Vienna-Albern and starting operation of the new forwarding terminal in Bergheim near Salzburg, they opened a new building in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia in spring. For 2011 the opening of the currently under construction forwarding terminal with track siding in Klagenfurt and the search for a new location in the Czech capital Prague are on the program“.

Schenker & Co AG in Vienna functions as Regional Head Office for Southeastern Europe. The region comprises locations in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey with currently more than 5,000 employees.

Quelle: LogEastics
Plattform: www.logistik-express.com

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