Economic crisis has reached the Bremen ports in 2013

Sea cargo handling 2013 in Bremen/Bremerhaven: Declining volumes of container and conventional cargo throughput – stable business with vehicles

A stable development of the throughput of vehicles, declines in the segments of containers, conventional cargo and bulk cargo can be seen in the updated transhipment statistics 2013 of the Bremen/Bremerhaven port group, presented by the Bremen senator of economy, labour and ports in the middle of this week.

In the reporting period the container volume in Germany’s second largest seaport dropped by 4.7 per cent on 2012 from 6.1 million TEU to 5.8 million TEU, while vehicle transhipment shows a figure of 2.178 million units, which is about last year’s level. “This means Bremerhaven was able to maintain its position as Europe’s biggest automobile port ahead of its competitors Zeebrugge and Emden“, says Senator Martin Günthner.

As to sea cargo throughput the Bremen/Bremerhaven port group had to face a decline of 6.2 per cent in 2013. Annual performance dropped from 84 million tonnes to 78.8 million tonnes. Incoming sea cargo volume amounted to 39.1 million tonnes (previous year: 42.2 million t), outgoing volume was 39.7 million tonnes (41.8 million t). Bremerhaven contributed 66.2 million tonnes to the sea cargo throughput of the twin ports last year, Bremen-city accounted for 12.6 million tonnes.

General cargo throughput in the Bremen ports declined from 73.6 million tonnes to 68.9 million tonnes (down 6.4 per cent). Conventional, thus non-containerised general cargo, declined by 6 per cent to 7.9 million tonnes. Throughput in the bulk cargo segment was down 4.9 per cent to 9.9 million tonnes.

“In 2012 the Bremen ports had achieved the best result in the port’s history, against the negative trend among other European sites. In 2013 – later than the competitors – we had to face the effects of the economic crisis in many parts of the world“, says Martin Günthner about the port figures. The senator expects stable development of sea cargo throughput in 2014.

Quelle: LogEastics

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