Extensive short-time work at HHLA Group

HHLA Group responds to fiercely declining container volumes

The port logistics group HHLA (Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG) will use short-time work for many staff members of the “Container“ segment. As of 1 July 2009, work time will be cut by 10 to 100 per cent for more than 2,000 employees. Short-time work is proposed for two years. The Executive Board states the recession in container transport as a reason therefore. The HHLA Group reckons with a 25%-decline in container throughput in Hamburg this year. 

 “Even during the current economic crisis, HHLA is using short-time working to secure the jobs of its staff. Here we are combining short-time working with appropriate training measures, and using the crisis to give our staff further skills so that we shall be well positioned for the future,” said Heinz Brandt, Executive Board member for Human Resources at HHLA. According to his statement about 250 staff will be taking part in training measures that are coupled with short-time work, around 200 being on long-term training programmes, i.e., of longer than six months.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung

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