Founding of North Adriatic Ports Association is finalised

North Adriatic ports Koper, Ravenna, Trieste and Venice pull at one string for marketing and investments


The North Adriatic Ports Asscociation (NAPA) aims to strengthen the harbour places in the northern Adriatic Sea for the handling of sea transportations on the north-south axis. The association was officially inaugurated at a meeting of the port presidents in Trieste last week. It is formed by the ports of Koper (Slovenia), Ravenna, Trieste and Venice.

The NAPA project shall help the four seaports to implement joint marketing concepts and tightly coordinate their investments to expand the port facilities. The founding members of the cooperation expect the planned modernisation measures to consolidate the position of the ports in the northern Adriatic Sea in the international competition. Another goal is to create more synergies.

Quelle: Österreichische Verkehrszeitung 

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