German postal regulator rules on anti-competitive behaviour
PostNL, and its German subsidiary TNT Post Germany, welcome the decision of German postal regulator, against Deutsche Post and its subsidiary First Mail.
The Bundesnetzagentur has determined in proceedings against First Mail Düsseldorf and Deutsche Post, in consultation with the Federal Cartel Office, that the German Postal Act has been breached in terms of pricing and non-discrimination regulations. Harry Koorstra, chairman of PostNL’s executive board of PostNL, commented: "This is an important signal for more competition and more diversity in the German postal market. Free and fair competition drives the development of innovative postal solutions, which in turn leads to more efficiency and a choice for our clients. As the main challenger to the postal incumbent, we are keen to lead this development of the German market for business mail."
The Bundesnetzagentur has instructed First Mail Düsseldorf and Deutsche Post to cease the violations immediately, and no later than August 31st, 2011.
The Bundesnetzagentur also made a proposal on the level of possible new charges.
Quelle: eyeforlogistics