“Industry 4.0 makes logistics a key capability of companies“
In Upper Austria the logistics industry secures 82,000 to 96,000 jobs and up to EUR 5.88 billion added value
In particular regarding the challenges of industry 4.0 logistics is becoming a key capability of companies, but also of entire economic regions. These were the results of a study conducted by order of the Austrian forwarding and logistics association Zentralverband Spedition und Logistik, presented last week in Linz.
In addition to the internationalisation of procurement, sales and production as well as the global network through division of labour in particular the increase in logistic complexity, increasing logistical requirements to delivery and performance and continuing optimisation of logistic systems are significant. The capability of qualified supply chain management becomes a core element.
“One of the main objectives in the strategic economic and research policy is to make Upper Austria a leading location for manufacturing through its technology leadership”, Michael Strugl, Economic County Council, said at a press conference. Therefore this topic was one of five, next to industrial production processes, energy, health/ageing society, food/nutrition in “Programme Innovative Upper Austria 2020 ‘.
Because logistics can not only serve to make existing technologies and processes more efficient, it also allows entirely new business models. “The location of Upper Austria can fully demonstrate its advantages through logistics expertise along the innovation chain ‘education-research-economy’,” said Michael Strugl.
“Logistics is a key competence and like the focus on innovation and cooperation, it is gaining importance, as a competitive factor for many companies and industries,” said Wolfgang Schneckenreither, Vice-President of the Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik, Deputy Chairman of the Upper Austrian Economic Chamber and managing director of the Schneckenreither transport company in Ansfelden. Modern production networks in which leading companies are essential hubs for added value, would become dynamic and competitive through logistics services.
“In addition to industry, the logistics competence also important in the (distance-)trade,” added Wolfgang Schneckenreither. One important driver was the ever-growing online trade, which shifts responsibility for logistic processes to retailers and creates more opportunities for logistics service providers.
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Source: oevz.com