More warehousing capacity headquarters of Schub Internat. Spedition

Schub Internat. Spedition expands its warehousing capacity at the headquarters in Nuremberg as a response to growing business volume:

The forwarding company Schub Internat. Spedition GmbH has enlarged its warehousing area at the location in Nuremberg by 1,000 m² to about 4,000 m². “The continuously growing business volume in the warehousing segment necessitated this action“, Managing Director Andreas Metko announced.

At its site in Nuremberg the company provides all kinds of services (block storage, order-picking warehouse, emergency depot, overnight supply etc.) to reputable customers from the furniture, automotive, IT and medical technology industry.

Schub Internat. Spedition GmbH has been existing since 1994. The owner-managed company is dealing with delivery to point of use across Germany and Austria, and with warehousing logistics projects. The location in Nuremberg is a member of the general cargo association ILN. More sites are located in Mannheim and Cologne.

Quelle: LogEastics

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