Official presentation of the 2020/25 Bremen port concept
The ideal port of the year 2025 unites economy, ecology and social issues; expansion of the rail infrastructure in Bremerhaven
Where are the ports of Bremen today? And most importantly: What are the challenges they have to meet on the medium term in order to successfully assert themselves against international competition as center of economic activities in the country of Bremen? These are questions to which the „2020/25 Bremen port concept“ has the answers.
„The concept describes the need for action“, said Martin Günthner, Bremen economic and ports senator on 13 November. The „to-do list” ranged from the construction of the offshore terminal Bremerhaven (OTB) to the development of infrastructure in the rail port of Bremerhaven and increased use of more sustainability in the port – economically, ecologically and socially.
The focus of the maritime investment strategy of the Bremen senate is the construction of the offshore terminal in Bremerhaven (OTB). Another core element of the 2020/25 port concept is the expansion of rail infrastructure in the overseas port of Bremerhaven, initiated by the senate. „We must prepare the site for a constantly growing number of vehicles and containers in rail transport,“ said Martion Günthner.
At the Kaiserhafen railway station, mainly serving for automotive logistics, the extension of the tracks for trains up to 750 meters in length has now been started. By 2016, the prerouting group Imsumer Deich will also be expanded, which is mainly used for rail-bound container transport. In this area eight additional fully electrified tracks will be built. In addition, the 2020/25 port concept propagates a further strengthening of barge transport.
From an economical point of view it is about increasing productivity of the port, improve its competitiveness and strengthen the importance of the port industry and logistics for the regional economy. The goals of ecological sustainability in the new port concept are also the further reduction of emissions (air pollutants, noise, light) and the protection of resources. The future port development must manage as far as possible without the use of additional land. In the medium term a CO2-neutral operation of the port infrastructure should be sought through the consistent use of new technologies and renewable energies.
The 2020/25 Bremen port concept is based on a current state description: accordingly, the ports and their related industries account for about one-fifth of each employment, turnover and value added in the country of Bremen. Approximately 74,000 employees directly and indirectly depending on the port business generated sales of about EUR 11.5 billion in 2010. At the same time the value of the port-dependent economy was around EUR 4.4 billion.
Quelle: LogEastics