Radar control system for HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai

Radio-based radar system shall improve container movements at HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai


A new era begins at HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai (CTB). The positioning system for containers is switched to a radio-based radar system solution. This measure is part of the package to modernisde and expand the terminal, by which the operator wants to almost double the capacity in the near future. In this context the container transport, which is purely based on straddle carriers, will be switched to a fully automated crane portal system for the storage area.

The previously used optical radar system has led to problems with correct position determination of containers at the terminal. „The radio-based radar solution allows a gapless detection of all transport moves of the containers and of the position of single vehicles. Thus the control centre can precisely find out which slot is either free or occupied by which container“, the HHLA group describes the new process.

The radio-based Local Positioning Radar (LPR) identifies the ideal slot and handling process, and assigns automatically transport orders per display to the drivers of the van-carriers. The system controls afterwards if all positions were hit correctly. In a direct comparison the new system works more precisely and determines the exact position also under difficult circumstances like under ship unloading cranes and the transfer area to the automated warehouse, according to the statements of the HHLA group. The 1.4 sq. m. terminal provides 16,000 container slots.

Quelle: LogEastics
Plattform: www.logistik-express.com

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