Rail Cargo Group: Continuous growth of traffic with China
Traffic with China operated by the ÖBB’s freight transport division is developing according to plan. In November, the Rail Cargo Group (RCG) reached its ambitious goal of handling a total of 400 trains between Asia and Europe in 2018. More than 30,000 TEU were transported by rail between Asia and Europe, according to a press release.
Regular transport links with China offered by the RCG mainly run on the Chongqing-Duisburg and Xian-Budapest routes. Freight transports always run “in both directions”, ie from China starting to Europe, as well as from Europe to China. For 2019, RCG plans to operate a total of 600 trains between Asia and Europe.
Participating in the first China International Import Expo (CIIE), the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) underlines its increasing involvement in China. Next to 3,600 companies from 172 countries, the RCG has its own booth for one week at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.
Political representatives from different countries visit the fair and seize the opportunity to gain information about the cooperation efforts of regional companies. Margarete Schramböck, Minister of Digitization and Business Location, Friedrich Stift, Austrian Ambassador in Beijing, Laszlo Palkovics, Hungarian Minister for Innovation and Technology, Andreas Matthä, CEO ÖBB, and RCG Board Member Thomas Kargl atteded the fair.
In addition, around 100,000 visitors a day have the opportunity to obtain first-hand information about the Rail Cargo Group’s range of services related to rail links and innovations. Potential customers and business partners were particularly interested in intermodal transport and RCG’s end-to-end logistics network as well as in the transANT vehicle innovation – the revolutionary lightweight platform trailer with flexible superstructures.