Schenker wins TRIGOS Tirol 2013 Award

Sustainable implementation of CSR action makes Schenker & CO AG the winner of the TRIGOS Tirol 2013-award in the category of large-scale enterprises
Responsible economic activity (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR) has been an important component of the business model of Schenker & CO AG for many years. The implementation of associated processes and actions made the international forwarder winner of the TRIGOS Tirol 2013-award in the category of large-scale enterprises a few days ago.
The jury justified their decision as follows: "Schenker & CO AG has combined the implementation of CSR action with their core business in an impressive way. In the frame of their Green Logistics initiative they organise transportations according to ecological criteria; moreover the enterprise has contributed to consciousness-raising among their customers. Schenker has developed an online tool allowing customers to calculate the environmental balance of a transport and may compensate unavoidable CO2-emissions through investing into environmental protection projects.”
Through training freight partners in fuel-efficient driving, Schenker & CO AG was able to save 205 tonnes of CO2 last year. Moreover the enterprise deploys gas-driven trucks for distribution in cities, thereby significantly reducing the annual CO2 emissions. As to their employees, Schenker counts on training and healthcare measures, which pay in the form of low fluctuation of the staff.

Quelle: LogEastics


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