EUR 8 million subsidies for feeder railways in Austria

Starting signal for Austrian promotional program for industrial and regional logistics/feeder railways 2012
On 21 May the starting signal was launched for the promotional program for industrial and regional logistics/feeder railways called “Leuchttürme der Branchen- und Regionallogistik/Anschlussbahnen 2012" of the climate and energy funds. In 2012 – like last year – eight million Euros are available for landmark projects for environmentally friendly cargo transport. These programs support the implementation of cooperative industrial and regional logistics projects as well as the setting up of concepts and feasibility studies, which can substantially reduce CO2-emissions in the case of implementation.
The program is addressed to the shipping industry, providers of logistics services, railway enterprises as well as consultants, planners and researchers. Submitted projects for investments may receive financial support of up to EUR 3 million. As e.g. the maintenance of an existing feeder railway is promoted with up to EUR 1.5 million, expansion or modernisation with up to EUR 2.5 million and building a new feeder railway with up to EUR 3 million. Studies and concepts, which can substantially reduce co2-emissions in the case of implementation, may receive up to EUR 100,000.
“There is no country within the European Union that has a similarly high share of railway transport in the cargo business like Austria. The feeder railways are a major leverage for shifting transport volumes to the rail“, emphasised Doris Bures, Minister of Infrastructure. Two thirds of cargo transport on the rail are handled via feeder railways.
The climate fund supports from the beginning feeder railway and terminal projects that make a particularly high contribution to the reduction of CO2-emissions and help shifting transportations from road to rail. Since 2007 around 50 projects received EUR 42 million in total. The projects supported by the climate fund saved 922,000 tons of CO2 to date.

Quelle: LogEastics


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